Monday, April 19, 2010

Trail Mix

With finals coming up I have been spending a lot of time at school studying and working on projects. I noticed that I was getting hungry after being there after a few hours. I tried going to the little cafe in the Marriott Library but nothing there seem to catch my eye, that was healthy that is. So I came home the other night and decided to make a snack to bring with me while I study. I love trail mix so I looked for healthy recipes. This recipe is so good and the best part is there is endless combinations you can do to make your perfect trail mix.

1 C pretzels
1/2 C walnuts
1/2 C almonds
1/2 C raisins
1/2 C M & M's

Combine all ingredients into container or ziplock bag.

Calories: 165
Fat: 7.6 g


  1. I love trail mix. It's easy simple and health how can you go wrong?!! Instead of regular m&ms I like to add peanut m&ms and that is about the only change I would make to this recipe. But then again you didn't state what type of m&ms so its all good. LOL !!

  2. Great job keeping current on your blog this semester. The commentary you provide helps make each recipe more personal and entices us to try.
